2008 Principal Exam Passers Neap Pdfl
2008 Principal Exam Passers Neap Pdfl ->->->-> https://ssurll.com/2t7knU
In the Menai Strait, the results showed that the main Ci drop (spawning) events occurred during the third-quarter lunar phase, approaching neap tides, contrary to the result from Newell et al. (1982), who observed spawning during spring tides in North America. In North Wales, spring low water always occurs approximately during mid-morning (06:00) and late-afternoon (18:00), whereas neap low water occurs during midday and midnight. During neap tides, therefore, intertidal mussels are exposed to minimal (midnight) and maximal (midday) air temperatures each day. Yet, as stated above, no strong correlation was made between CI and daily thermal difference. Further investigations should be conducted on the hydrostatic pressure, which might cause stress on the feeding rate, for example, and so influence spawning (Battle 1931; Famme et al. 1986). Holt and Proctor (2003) showed that wind influences AT and SST in the Irish Sea; however, we found no strong correlation between the wind direction and strength of CI drops. Hence, our study suggests that spawning events of mussels in the Irish Sea are the results of more complex interactions between the organisms and their environment than solely a thermal shock, as seen in laboratory experiments. Further studies should work on the impact of food availability on mussel spawning events as it has been previously shown that the quality and abundance of phytoplankton can influence spawning patterns (Ram et al. 1996). 2b1af7f3a8