8dio Studio Solo Violin Torrent
LINK https://tiurll.com/2tcB50
ok, i have the freeware version and its not working either. i really have no idea why. the sound works fine everywhere else and everything appears to be connected correctly. makes me think its the driver? i dont think my din cable is compatible because it came with the game and now it *should* give me an error, but it's still not showing up under sound devices. ttyl
one thing i noticed is the icon that pops up is actually for Rocksmith if you look at it its labeled "RiTRalTONe". might that mean its not using my guitar amp? i turned off the amp when using it so to test
anyway, is this driver similar to the one in the video that you have? if you could comment on how you get it running, even if you have to manually create the files, that would be helpful. i have no idea where to start.
just tried this with an electronic tuner and after i unplugged only the guitar channel it works. I paired it with my guitar amp and it's now gone. It appears to work w/ the guitar amp, w/o it, etc. Are you sure that that's the only thing that you unplugged?
I have done the same thing. I have the most updated version and I have the same issue. I can't figure out what module to update or delete to get it to work. Is there a website you can maybe connect me with that has that information?
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