Best Ad Blocker Software
Which one, though We've got a thorough list of the best ad blockers and privacy tools, covering every browser and platform you can think of. We've not only got top blockers for desktop browsers and mobile devices, but we can recommend some privacy-focused extensions, tool.
You don't have to worry about ad blockers on Chrome as Google shifts to Manifest v3. Google has postponed that transition, which would have crippled ad blockers' ability to filter out ads, at least on Google's browser. And that's welcome news as ad blockers have become as important to online security as the best antivirus software or best VPN.
Just be aware that even the best ad blockers have their downsides. For starters, they take away revenue from free sites that are supported by ads (like this one). But if you're willing to justify that trade-off, you can find plenty of extensions and apps that let you browse the web in peace.
After you peruse our list of the best ad blockers, be sure to check out our guide on how to block ads on Chrome. iPhone users also can turn to a built-in Safari tool that blocks ads in your iPhone's default browser.
AdBlock Plus (ABP) is among the most popular ad blockers, with extensions available for Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Edge and Opera. ABP features a quick setup, loading preset filter lists that allow users to quickly block most ads, as well as the option to filter malware and social media buttons.
On Android, the AdBlock Browser (opens in new tab) provides a Firefox-based browser that blocks incoming advertising, while on iOS, the AdBlock Plus app (opens in new tab) integrates with the content blocker system to seamlessly block advertising on Safari with minimal setup.
AdBlock (no relation to AdBlock Plus) is the other best ad-blocking browser extension of note, available for users of Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari. AdBlock uses a series of filter lists to automatically block ad content coming from known ad servers and providers. Users can stick with the default block lists, subscribe to additional ones, or even create their own, as well as whitelist their favorite websites.
Ublock Origin is a browser-based ad blocker that focuses on simple, efficient blocking with a low resource overhead. The extension comes loaded with a number of filter lists for known advertising and malware sources, with extra filter lists available and the option to read and create your own custom filters from hosts files.
In this case, Poper Blocker focuses on blocking pop-ups, pop-unders, overlays, timed and scroll pop-ups, and other varieties that might slip past other ad-blocking extensions. Small notifications tell you when pop-ups are blocked. You also can view your blocking stats, but otherwise, you can generally just keep Poper Blocker running in the background with minimal impact alongside other adblocker extensions.
The \"Fair\" part of AdBlocker comes into play by giving you the ability to allow certain types of ads or even whitelist ad-supported websites you don't want to shortchange of badly needed revenue. This is one ad blocker that doesn't take a scorched earth approach to its stated purpose.
Like the other extensions on our list of the best ad blockers, Ghostery can remove ads from webpages, so you can focus on content and browse more efficiently. But the real value in Ghostery lies in its privacy protection features. You can use Ghostery to view trackers, which lets you see who's trying to collect data on you. With Ghostery, you can also stop that tracking from taking place. If you really want to safeguard your privacy, you can turn to Ghostery's Enhanced Anti Tracking to anonymize your data.
YouTube has gotten more aggressive with ads, so the makers of ad-blocking extensions have followed suit. Adblocker for YouTube is a Chrome extension that promises to automatically block YouTube ads, whether we're talking about the pre-roll ad appearing before your video or any text and banner ads that appear on the video itself.
The app is designed to make browsing faster and more secure by blocking ads, popups, trackers and other online cruft. Rather than blocking content of a downloaded page, 1Blocker works with Safari's content blocker API to tell the browser what to block in advance, saving time and resources.
1Blocker features more than 115,000 blocker rules, custom regional adblocking settings, and easy-to-use custom rules settings. The app is a free download, with premium features available as in-app purchases.
Many of the best ad blockers are available for free, either as extensions or as standalone apps, though a few, like AdLock, charge a fee. Determine if the free services provide enough ad-blocking to meet your needs or whether a paid app delivers more for your money. You should also figure out if a browser extension will take care of your ad-blocking needs or whether you should consider switching browsers to one with more built-in privacy features.
You can narrow down your choice in ad blockers by deciding specifically what you're looking to accomplish with such an app or extension. Do you just want to stop annoying pop-up ads from appearing or do you want the full range of services, including privacy features and an end to ad-tracking Grab the ad blocker that ticks off all the boxes on your wishlist.
Some ad blockers, such as AdBlock Plus include filters and the ability to let in non-obtrusive advertising. Others, like AdBlocker Ultimate, take a more aggressive approach. Find out which one best suits your needs and comfort level.
As we noted at the outset, there's also an ethical component to ad blockers. Do you feel comfortable keeping ad revenue out of the hands of sites you enjoy and use for free As good as the best ad blockers are, that's still a trade-off you need to consider when deciding whether to install one as a browser extension or as a standalone app.
Finally, nearly all advertising in this modern age is built on the privacy-eroding practices of surveillance capitalism. Ever wonder why you see the same ads follow you across different sites How is Instagram able to show you extremely targeted ads It's because gathering information about you and your activities is big business. Ad blockers not only keep you from seeing some ads, but the best ad blockers also block the trackers and other tools advertisers use to spy on you.
All our testing was done on a macBook Pro running macOS 11.6.4. We tested each ad blocker in Chrome version 100. We only tested Chrome extensions, as it remains the world's most popular browser. Note, however, that most of the ad blockers we tested are available for multiple browsers.
To evaluate each service, we wanted both an objective measurement and subjective impressions. On the subjective side, we browsed PCMag's homepage and a review page to see which elements were blocked and whether the site functioned as intended. We also considered the design of each ad blocker, giving preference to well-designed, pleasant looking options.
For its high scores and sheer breadth of customization options, uBlock Origin is the best ad blocker we tested. Ghostery, which also has a standalone privacy suite, deserves a look for its excellent design and strong scores. We're also giving special attention to Privacy Badger, which performed almost as well as other ad blockers but with a unique, privacy-first approach.
Last alphabetically but first in our hearts, uBlock Origin is our top choice for ad-blockers. If it's an ad, uBlock Origin can block it. Hell, even if it's not an ad, uBlock Origin can probably still block it with its Element Zapper mode. It also boasts a remarkable (if overwhelming) degree of customization that internet pros will love, but luckily it is tuned to work very well in its default state, too.
Granted, uBlock Origin did not block the most ads on the PCMag homepage. In fact, it was the least among the top four contenders. However, it blew the others out of the water on the PCMag review page. We didn't see ads on YouTube with uBlock Origin, and it got stellar scores with adblock-tester and Cover Your Tracks. For sheer brute force ad-blocking, uBlock Origin is the best.
Privacy Badger goes in a different direction from the other ad blockers we tested. Created by the nonprofit Electronic Frontier Foundation(Opens in a new window), Privacy Badger doesn't explicitly block ads. What it does do is block trackers, typically after it has encountered those trackers a few times. Because tracking users between websites is such an integral part of advertising, blocking trackers ends up blocking most ads.
Ghostery brings strong design and protection together into a smart package that does a good job blocking ads and provides enormous insight into what is tracking you and how. We were also impressed that it earned a perfect score from adblocker-tester and did a good job blocking trackers. It did not, however, outperform uBlock, Privacy Badger, or AdBlock Plus in terms of sheer number of ads blocked.
Along with uBlock Origin, Ghostery has an extremely customizable experience. Along with its powerful analytics, you get fine-grained control over what appears in your web browser. And it will look great, too, as Ghostery has the best design of all the ad blockers we tested. To get access to even more data, you will have to pay but its free package is strong on its own.
To get some sense of each ad blocker's YouTube ad blocking powers, we loaded five videos from the popular Defunctland(Opens in a new window) series on YouTube and watched for pre-roll ads and ad windows over the video.
We found both the YouTube specific ad blockers to be lackluster as general privacy tools. Both failed the EFF's Cover Your Tracks test, and both scored a 40/100 on Adblock-Tester. On PCMag's homepage and review pages, both failed to block ads. They did work equally well for YouTube, and we saw no pre-roll ads or windowed ads.
We don't recommend either Adblocker for YouTube or Adblock for YouTube, as they have too narrow a focus. However, if you absolutely had to choose one, we recommend Adblock for YouTube(Opens in a new window). The other option was itself chockablock with ads. 59ce067264