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It a reaction to kids freely watching disney heroes and getting upsetwhen they are not rescued in a timely manner or had to pay ahefty price. It a reaction to TV channels making gung-hodecisions based on sales figures and political ramificationswithout any regard for the viewers or the way they view world at all.
The Bravehearts stories begin with how the characters were trained aschild soldiers in the civil war in Burundi which brought to thelights of the world the only thing keeping the current war inAfghanistan from being even worse. Training begins with a storyabout being on a plane and being told the plane will crash and willdump you all into the sea. Unlike the movie, where the pilot wouldbolt and the plane would crash, the crew on Braveheart tells thepassengers to sit back and enjoy the ride.
For the first eight days the Braveheart then has to train them onvirtually every weapon they will carry, from grenade throwers fromthe ground up to assault guns and mortars all the way up to trucks,guns, and tanks. But at the same time they have to paint the truckwith different markings and camouflage them to remain hidden inthe forest.
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