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Zadnji Steam verziju SLS Patch-a ima probleme sa PES 2013 . U većini slučajeva se problemi povezuju sa “Problemima sa video uređajem/mojim Uređajem”. Ne trebate paziti na njega, jer vidite koja je verzija PES-a koju imate. Za saznanje o broju verzija PES-a koju imate, kliknite na “Proizvodnja” na Steam-u i potražite “PES 2013”. Ova verzija neće biti podržana. Podržat će se verzija u kojoj su ugrađeni neki dodaci.
2. Ponce was the code name of the first test of the directed energy system. It was tested from June 3-23, 2013. The tests included a ground-to-air detection and identification test and a ground-to-surface detection and identification test. An additional test was conducted on board the USS Ponce.
3. Photon was the code name for the second test of the directed energy system. It was tested from July 1-30, 2013. The tests included a ground-to-air detection and identification test, a ground-to-surface detection and identification test, and a ground-to-ground detection and identification test. An additional test was conducted on board the USS San Jacinto.
4. Poseidon was the code name for the third test of the directed energy system. It was tested from October 16, 2013, to January 5, 2014. The tests included a ground-to-air detection and identification test, a ground-to-surface detection and identification test, and a ground-to-ground detection and identification test. An additional test was conducted on board the USS Virginia Beach.
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One of the drawbacks to this approach was that we needed to recompile every time we made even a small change to the code. This slowed everything else we were doing down and because we couldn't always have someone waiting for the application to finish building. 827ec27edc