Katalog Saklar Broco Pdf 11 __LINK__
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Abstract:The indentation size effect (ISE) is known to have a major impact on the mechanical integrity of the indentation, as well as on the contact mechanics between the indented and indenter surfaces. Generally, the effect of varying the indentation size is to reduce the indentation area and serve to decrease the effect of the ISE. In recent years, however, we have come to recognize that the magnitude of the effect depends also on the loading conditions involved. A further increase in the area of contact between the indented and indenter surfaces through symmetric normal loads will greatly enhance the ISE. For this reason, in this paper we study the influence of loading conditions on the ISE in thin-walled aluminum cylindrical specimens. The different types of loading conditions that we examined were tensile, compressive and four-point bending tests. These load conditions were conducted by inducing constant strains of 2% and 5% along the axial and/or circumferential directions. Keywords: indentation size effect; ISE; loading conditions
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En opinin de Horacio A. Garca Belsunce (5) "El principio de legalidad constituye una garanta esencial en el derecho constitucional tributario, en cuya virtud se requiere que todo tributo sea sancionado por una ley, entendida sta como la disposicin que emana del rgano constitucional que tiene la potestad legislativa conforme a los procedimientos establecidos por la Constitucin para la sancin de la leyes, y que contiene una norma jurdica". d2c66b5586