Exclue: FANAA, Bollywood, 2006
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this question may be really stupid, but i am mexican, so i don't really know much about indian cinema and bollywood, or whatever. Why is it that in none of the indian movies i've seen do the people kiss? i mean, i know probably in the newer ones they do, like .. monsoon wedding? but, they usually just sing and hug, and dance, but I've never seen them kiss. And in fanaa, there's this whole scene where they're singing in the rain, and they hug, and are all affectionate, and you even end up seeing them in bed (nothing explicit of course)but you NEVER see them kiss. so i was just wondering, and i don't know if it is totally obvious for indians, or if it is something cultural or what. by the way although i am mexican and live like halfway around the globe from india, i really love the films. 2b1af7f3a8