Procaine Fake Crack How To Make
Procaine Fake Crack How To Make ->->->->
Both cocaine and crack are schedule II drugs, meaning that they are considered to have a high potential for abuse and have a potential medical use, but they are otherwise not legal. Crack is the exception, however, and can be legally prescribed for medical purposes.
If a person has just recently ingested cocaine, he or she will have a white powdery substance in their system. But if one has also ingested cocaine base, or crack, the cocaine will appear as a base and will have a thin, waxy, crack-like appearance. The cocaine base in this form is often made by heating or cooking the cocaine before smoking it.
While the person may not be able to tell the difference between crack and cocaine, it is better to be safe than sorry when it comes to drug testing. If a person is using an illicit drug such as cocaine base and that person has a drug test, that person will definitely test positive for that drug.
Cocaine base, or crack, is in a legal gray area. In 1974, Congress passed the Controlled Substances Act, which designated all substances that fall into one of three categories: schedule I, schedule II, or schedule III. Cocaine is a schedule I drug; this means that it is considered to be highly addictive and has no currently accepted medical use. Scheduling is a rule-based system for determining which drugs can be legally used and which drugs cannot.
Legalization of marijuana (which has been shown to reduce the amount of cocaine used by users) and legal importation of cocaine from places where it is not currently illegal would make the drug industry obsolete.
If you are found with crack cocaine, you may be arrested. In most cases, you will be charged with possession of a drug that is illegal to possess. You may also be charged with possession of a drug that is illegal to possess in the first place, but you may be charged with that as a felony. This is because the amount of the substance that you have in your possession could be over a certain amount, and the law treats this as a felony.
If you are charged with possession of cocaine, you will likely be charged with possession with intent to distribute. This is because it is illegal to possess cocaine without the intent to distribute it. This law also gives you the option of pleading guilty to the lesser charge of possession to avoid a trial. If you are charged with possession with intent to distribute, you might also be charged with conspiracy to possess cocaine. You could also be charged with possession of cocaine base (crack).
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