Public Finance And Public Policy Gruber Answer Keys Pdf
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Cristina Novoa is a senior policy analyst for Early Childhood at the Center for American Progress. She uses her training in developmental psychology and public policy to advance policies that benefit young children.
Young children are uniquely vulnerable to the transmission of infectious disease. For this reason, the safety, adequacy, and affordability of childcare centers is a critical component of the public health system. Congress should invest in programs that help ensure that all centers are appropriately safe and well equipped for children. These investments can help reduce health risk for children and families, including infections that can lead to diarrhea, respiratory infections, and even mental and developmental problems. Further, cost-effective measures to prevent and control disease will improve the overall quality of life and health for those who are served by childcare centers and will help ensure that all children have the benefits of early childhood.
Health, nutrition, and mental health services are necessary to support the development of young children. For this reason, the federal government and states should do more to ensure that all children can access these essential services. In addition to investing in the organization and delivery of early childhood care and education programs, states, the federal government, and nongovernmental organizations should work to ensure that all children have access to good nutrition and health care for childhood illness. This might include, for example, fully reimbursing hospital stays for children or creating a program to pay for stay-at-home childcare so that families do not have to choose between taking care of their children and keeping their jobs. Federal policymakers should also take a more active role in supporting policies that help ensure that children receive the mental health services they need. Health and nutrition policies should also help address the mental health and nutritional needs of children.
The Trump administration has also expanded the disproportionate targeting of immigrant communities. The administration’s draconian immigration policy has included the separation of families at the border, and the ongoing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Border Patrol raids and detentions.456 In addition, migrant communities are under threat due to the Citizenship and Immigration Services’ (USCIS) recent increased scrutiny on the documentation needed for people to gain citizenship.457 Ironically, as a result of these policies, immigrant communities are more likely to experience trauma-based mental health problems, e.g., anxiety and depression .458 In addition, as a consequence of the Trump administration’s policies, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of immigrants who have been detained in federal and private prisons.459
One of the key issues associated with domestic violence is the lack of data on the issue.464 As a result, the total number of reported incidents of domestic violence, including instances of intimate partner violence (IPV) and child abuse and neglect, remains unknown.465 827ec27edc